
Jitte - (Ten Hands) - 24 Moves

Jitte (Ten Hands)

Jitte is a powerful, almost heavy Shotokan Karate kata. According to popular theory, karateka need to master Jitte to show they can fight off ten armed opponents. However, the primary goal of Jitte is to teach you to defend against weapons, particularly the Bo staff.

Not only does the kata have extremely complex movements, such as the various hip motions, but even the slow movements need to be executed with vigor and determination. This kata is very demanding, and you’ll need to perform each stance, kick, punch, or block with absolute confidence, showcasing your raw yet controlled power.

Even though there are only 24 moves, Jitte requires a lot of practice to master. It’s not just about the physical movements but the mental fortuity and the attitude of the karateka.


Nijushiho - (24 Steps) - 24 Moves


Sochin - (Preserve Peace) - 41 Moves