
Kihon Kata or Taikyoku: Ideas for Expanded Kata Training

Taikokyu Shodan

Being the most basic of all kata, Taikyoku Shodan is the first kata in the Taikyoku series. Down block, lunge punch and front stance are the three recurring techniques in this kata which has 20 moves. As the author of Taikyoku kata is considered to be Gichin Funakoshi, credit is given to him although his son Gigo is in actuality the reason of the creation of this kata. In order to simplify the teaching of kata to young students, Taikyoku Shodan is taught before Heian Shodan although the former post-dates the latter. It is taught in many styles but certain instructors are not willing to teach this kata as they think it shares similarities to Heian Shodan. The Shotokan style is comprised of 26 kata and Taikyoku kata is not a part of it technically.

Sensei Paul Walker demonstrates the different ways the Kata can be Executed.


Heian Shodan - (Peacefull Mind 1) - 21 Moves